Suomen Sotahistorian Komissio järjestää kansainvälisen seminaarin “Strategy in the Northern Baltic Sea from the World War I to the Cold War”.
Seminaari pidetään keskiviikkona 15.11.2017 klo 10-17 Tieteiden talolla (Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki), salissa 104.
Tarkempi ohjelma päivitetään Suomen Sotahistorian Komission sivuille (
Seminaariin osallistuminen on maksutonta.
Osallistujia pyydetään ilmoittamaan ennalta sihteeri Seppo Vepsäläiselle, tai 040 753 1335.
Wednesday 15th November 2017
Tieteiden Talo (House of Science and Letters), Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki.
10.00 Opening. Chairman of the Commission Juho Kotakallio
Lasse Laaksonen: Commission’s International Relations: XLIIIrd International Congress of Military
History, Douala, Cameroon 2 – 8 Sep 2017
Aleksanteri Suvioja: Strategic Aspects of the German Naval Historiography on the Baltic Theatre of
the First World War 1918 – 1945
Kaarel Piirimäe: The Myth of the Independence War, Laidoner’s “Active Defence”, and the Estonian
military capabilities in the 1930s
Lunch break
13.00 Pavel Petrov: Plans for the war of the Soviet Navy on the Baltic Sea in 1935 – 1941: Projects and
Pekka Visuri: Strategic aspects of operations in the Northern Baltic Sea area 1941 – 1944
Henrik Tala: French aid to Finland during the Winter War
Coffee break
15.00 Gunnar Åselius: Finland as a forward defence zone in Swedish strategic thinking, 1917 – 1991
Seppo Vepsäläinen: From “Ostrich Policy” to Involvement in the Second World War: Neutrality,
Changing Alliances and International Aid
General discussion: Lecturers’ Reflections and Questions by Audience
No participation fee.
Preliminary registration of audience is desired by 13 November 2017.
Registration and Information: Secretary of the Commission Seppo Vepsäläinen
+358 40 753 1335